
AKOMASA Creative Connections stands for a personal service to its clients and a great passion and understanding for the African market. Excellent contacts to the media and within the travel trade industry, cultivated over decades, provide the ideal basis for interlinked communication and marketing measures. Our strategic consulting is based on a precise knowledge of our clients' objectives and is individually tailored to their needs and the respective budget.  And last but not least, the basis of our Creative Connections is that people know, appreciate and value each other.

The founder of AKOMASA Creative Connections is Barbara Zieme, who has 25 years of expertise in communication, marketing and consulting of African tourism services and products in the German speaking market. 

The trained travel agent started her career in tourism after her university studies and stays abroad in Switzerland and England with South African Airways (SAA). As a marketing and communications expert for Germany and Central Europe, she made a significant contribution to the airline's success at that time (1992-2008). 

AKOMASA works in Germany in the areas of PR, social media, influencer relations and content creation with the freelancer network Kreativheimat.

Furthermore, AKOMASA is a member of the Southern and Eastern Africa Association e.V. (ASA), a neutral, non-commercial association with the aim to promote tourism in the countries of Southern and Eastern Africa and to create synergies and the exchange of knowledge among its members
